Livestock farmer stories, tips, and resources for success.

Justin Bramhall & Vanessa Rose

Justin Bramhall & Vanessa RoseProfile Photo

Co-Owners of Leaping Bear Farm

Our names are Justin and Vanessa and we're first generation
farmers with a passion for healing our environment. Justin has a background in permaculture design and education, and Vanessa is a graphic designer and marketer. We use our past experiences daily to grow our farm, and to help refine our customers understanding of regenerative agriculture, organic growing practices and how they can positively contribute to healing our food systems. We pride ourselves in providing high quality, fresh and healthy food from the land in a way that benefits the environment.

We deeply value our community, which makes our work rewarding, but we know food producers are facing some serious challenges (because of ongoing climate change) and we want to help face those issues head on. How our food is farmed can either add to the destruction of our planet or it can do the opposite- creating abundance and resiliency across our communities.

April 24, 2024

Justin Bramhall and Vanessa Rose Are Part of the Solution

The occasional summer I would go to Arkansas for a few nights when my family would make the trip out there from Dallas, Texas, they would only stay for a short period it was my aunt and uncle's Chicken farm. They were conve…