Livestock farmer stories, tips, and resources for success.

Carly Farmer

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Carly grew up in the suburbs of Massachusetts with a passion for animals. She received a degree in animal science and continued on to earn her PhD in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems, with a focus on ruminant parasite management. Continuing this focus, she then went on to receive post doctoral training with the USDA Agriculture Research Services. To be closer to family, she moved up to Vermont where she now runs her own farm raising chickens, sheep, and rabbits on pasture.

April 22, 2023

Carly Farmer Sticks With It

“I can't express enough how just beautiful it is to watch the growth. The growth of a farm year after year where you're putting your inputs in, which may just mean your animals, they’re just fertilizing and grazing for you. …
Guest: Carly Farmer